You are here for a reason

Worth your time

Read each page in the correct order. Do not skip forward or skip anything, otherwise you will miss the message. It is worth your time. You will read right through it.

The hourglass is running

When you were not yet born, you did not have to do anything to receive life. Your life is a valuable and precious gift.

You may prefer not to think about it, but since you were born the hourglass has started to run. Also your life here on earth will come to an end some day.

But... after this life you do not cease to exist.


Everyone wants to go to Heaven after this life, well... not everyone but most people do.

In the Kingdom of God (Heaven) there is no pain, sorrow, evil, crime, abuse, loneliness, hunger, wickedness, fear, depression, theft, death and darkness.

God is the source of peace, love and all that is good. He is righteous and in Him there is no darkness. There is no better place to be then with God in Heaven.

But... God does determine how you can enter Heaven. After all, Heaven is His Kingdom.

The test

For a perfect place (Heaven) you need perfect people. There is a test to see how you are doing.

  • Have you ever told a lie?
  • Have you ever stolen something?
  • Have you ever committed adultery?

Jesus said: if you look at another with lust, you have already committed adultery in your heart.

These are just 3 of the 10 Commandments...


After this life you will stand before God and He is the great Judge. In your life you have broken the law of God (the 10 commandments). The consequences of your transgressions (sin) are terrible. The wages of sin is death (hell).

But... God does not want you to perish and that is why He has done something wonderful out of love for you!

The Gospel

Jesus Christ came to the world to take the penalty for sin. He did this voluntarily by dying on the cross. After three days He rose from the dead. Thus He paid the penalty for sin with His own life.

The last sentence Jesus uttered on the cross was: "It is finished!". The Judge (God) can legally forgive all your transgressions (sin) through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (for those who believe in Him).

If you really realize what The Gospel is all about you will be amazed at how wonderful and loving it is.

How do you receive this gift?

  • [1] Recognize that you are a sinner.
  • [2] Turn from your way to God's way (repentance).
  • [3] Believe in Jesus Christ (the Way, the Truth and the Life).
  • [4] Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and that He rose from the dead.


If you believe with all your heart you can pray the example prayer. It does not matter where you pray or what time you pray. God never sleeps.

Example: God, i recognize that i am a sinner and that i need Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose from the dead. I no longer trust in myself but i trust in You. Help me to follow Your way. Renew my heart and come into my heart. Guide me and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your love and grace. Amen!

Want to know more?

There is much more to discover. Do you have any questions or do you want to know more? Feel free to contact us. You are also welcome at our fellowship.

Faith is NOT about following rules, traditions and rituals made by man. Faith is about a personal relationship with God in which you involve Him in your life.